Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Can Someone Be a Believer and Not Read God's Word?

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A few years ago, I went through a period of really doubting God and my faith. I had a lot of questions about what I believed. One of the biggest ones was: How do I know the Bible is reliable and real?

I’ve included a few resources on the bottom of this post that were very helpful to me in helping me gain a understanding and trust in God’s Word. But to be honest, the biggest way I’ve gained faith in God’s Word is by diving into it and studying it for myself! I remember two years ago, I hardly had any desire or hunger for God’s Word. I’d grown up reading it, but I did this more out of duty and because my parents told me too.

Two years ago, when I started walking in the light (See my last post), I was a part of a small group led by a man with a passion and knowledge of God’s Word that I so desperately wanted. Tonight as I write this, I can say with 100% honesty that God has been faithful in giving me that passion for His Word.

The other night in a small group I was leading, one of the guys in my group asked the following question, “Can a person be a believer and not read God’s Word?”  

This of course started a pretty long conversation with a lot of thoughts that were thrown out. But I truly believe this question can be answered by realizing who we have become when we place our faith in Christ's death and resurrection. If God has cleansed us with Jesus’ blood, if we are living in the good of what He has done for us, we are going to have some type of desire for God’s Word. Even when I didn’t have a complete hunger, desire and awe for God’s Word, I knew that God’s Word was written for my good and I recognized that I needed it more.

Ezekiel 36:25-27 says, “I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you.  And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules.”(ESV)

When this was written, it was a promise of what was to come. It was a foreshadowing of when Jesus was going to die on the cross and atone for our sins. It's saying when we put our faith in the blood of Jesus, we are then cleansed. Then look at what it says God will do, “I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” You literally are getting a new heart at conversion. This new heart knows what is from God and has discernment as to what is from the world. Not only do we receive a new heart, we now have a new spirit that causes us to walk in God’s ways. So to answer the question, “Can we a believer and not read God’s Word?”

Yes and no. Yes, if you have no access to it. A lot of believers don’t have God’s Word in their languages, but they would give a lot to get it. But no, if you do have access to it. Because you are going to have some sort of desire for it. You may not have a deep burning passion to study it for hours each day, but you’ve been given a new heart.  Therefore you know that the Word of God is one of the biggest means for you as a believer to know Him.

I want to challenge you. Don’t take God’s Word for granted. Most of us have 5 copies in 5 different translations on our shelves and read it because it’s what a believer is suppose to do. That's what I did for a long time. When I saw my small group leader’s passion and desire for God’s Word and was jealous of it. I started praying every morning for that same kind of passion and desire. I cried out to Him every morning to give me a hunger, to show me new things, to make me fall in love with His Word. And after about two weeks of doing this every morning, God answered that prayer. The last two years, God has taught me so much through His Word and I can’t go a day without opening it and God revealing Himself to me.

If you currently have no desire or hunger for God’s Word, if you currently look at it as a check box on your daily list of things to do. Stop for a second and consider what you are holding in your hands. It is the Word of God. God has revealed himself to us and we now have access to growing in our understanding and knowledge of Him.

I think the most important thing we need to understand is that the Word of God is one of the most vital ways for us as believers to deepen our relationship with God. It is the key for us as believers to be able to understand how God has called us to live in this life. It is the way we as believers can understand and gain a greater image of just how great the God we really are serving. Dive into God’s Word and find satisfaction that is not found in this world.

A couple resources that have served me immensely in doubting God's Word a couple years ago:
1) “The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable?” by F.F. Bruce.

2) MP3 “Can We Trust Our Bibles?” by Peter Williams