Friday, July 20, 2012

It's a Command, Not a Calling

What am I suppose to do? Where am I to go next in life? What’s the next step?
These types of questions have often dominated my thinking and thoughts over the last few years and I know it is common to most human beings. I believe though that most of the times, we are not thinking the right way, these types of questions often turn in to self-centeredness. It makes life about ourselves and what we can get next. It turns into questions such as, “What am I suppose to do next so that I can get more money, so that I can buy a house, and get the next awesome Apple product?”

I’ve caught myself thinking in this fashion on multiple occasions.  I’ve often had to re-direct my thoughts back to the truth of scripture and what God has called me to as a believer. Over the past month, I’ve read “Kisses From Katie” by missionary Katie Davis. I participated in Local Missions for a week. I’ve lead around 10 bible studies with hundreds of unbelievers. I’ve had multiple teens come to me confessing that they are addicted to pornography, drugs, or alcohol. All of this leading me to once again be awakened to the utter destitution and lostness that surrounds me in this world.

It reminded me of not my calling as a disciple of Christ, but of my command as a disciple of Christ. Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” There is no calling involved here. If you are a disciple of Christ, you are commanded by our heavenly Father to “go and make disciples” not only of your county, but of “all nations.”  People can often say, “There is plenty of work to be done here where I live in the United States.” But isn’t that often used as an excuse. What are you actually doing to share the gospel and help those in need around you? Would you be willing to go spend the rest of your life somewhere in a third world country for the sake of the gospel?

I am commanded as a believer. I am commanded because I am a recipient of God’s saving grace. And because I'm grateful in my heart that Jesus would leave his throne on high and die for me sins on that cross. I want to strive to be faithful to obey the command of my Lord. I know that I am going to fail to live according to what God has commanded me too at times. But we have the promise that, “If we are faithless, he remains faithful.” (2 Timothy 1:13 ESV)

Shouldn’t we strive to be like the early disciples in Acts 2:45, “And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” I want my faith to be so bold that I will give my meager amount of money and possessions to those in need. I want my faith to be so bold, that I will show love to the sickest people and have faith God will keep me healthy. I truly want this desolate and dying world to experience the hope and love I’ve experienced from my Lord and Savior.

I want to start small and pray God uses my deeds to glorify His name in huge ways. I want to love one needy or sick person at a time and pour out love on them in my county. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but showing love to those in need and praying God works in mightier ways.

Luke 14:33, “So therefore, any of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.” Have I renounced all that I have? Seven verse before in Luke 14:26, it says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."

God is after a heart that recognizes everything comes from the Lord and therefore is willing to give everything up for the Lord. God wants us to be so confident in His love and control over our lives that we would be willing to forsake everyone and everything dear to us if that’s what it takes to bring Him glory. So are you willing to obey God's command to "go and make disciples of all nations?" Even if this messes up what you want in life. Think about it. Pray about it. And ask God to help you obey Him, not your fleshly desires.


  1. It's a worthy cause and a privelaged command! Very convicting, bro. I appreciate the you posting this truth.

  2. Yes, I appreciate the you.
