Matthew 9:37-38, “Then he said to his disciples, ‘The
harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the
Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.’”
These two verses really stuck out to me today as I was
studying and digging into the Word. I know I can often skim over the gospels
and teachings of Christ, because I’ve heard them all so much growing up. But, as
I’ve been slowing studying each chapter and section of Matthew, little words
and phrases that Jesus said have really been challenging my thinking. They are challenging
me not only in my personal life. But also making me think hard about the
direction our world and more specifically, my generation is headed.
In verse 35 of chapter 9 it says, “Jesus went throughout all
the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the
gospel of the kingdom.”
Wherever Jesus went, what was he doing? He was “teaching” and
“proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.” He was proclaiming the hope that can
only be found in Him. He was teaching the crowds what this meant; it says in
next verse, “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they
were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
Jesus had compassion on the crowds and people that did not
know and understand God. He compared them to a sheep without a shepherd, for
just like a sheep is in great danger and does not understand how to live unless
guided by a shepherd. We cannot understand life, unless the Lord and His Word
guide us. Just like Jesus had
compassion for the crowds, we are called to follow His example and have
compassion on those we meet who are in a worse state then us. This means we are
to have compassion on every person who does not understand and believe the
truth of the gospel.
Compassion is defined as, “A feeling of deep sympathy and
sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong
desire to alleviate the suffering.” Do you have a strong desire to see others
receive the same grace God has given you? Do you believe the same grace that
has saved you is strong enough to bring hope to a lost and dying world? This
brings me back to the first two verses that I first mentioned above when Jesus
tell his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Jesus
reminds his disciples that there are plenty of men and women dying in their sin
that are ready to hear the hope of the gospel. But, the fact is they are on their way to eternal damnation
because there are not enough laborers going out to bring them the hope of the
gospel. Jesus says, “pray earnestly to the Lord to send out laborers into his
The same words that Jesus said to his disciples, I believe
we need to follow completely. We need to be praying earnestly for more laborers
willing to give up this life on the earth to see God’s kingdom advanced. I love
how Jesus say’s there is a harvest, not only “a” harvest. But “his” harvest,
and it is ready for laborers to go.
So will you all join me in praying for more and more
laborers? Not only full time missionary laborers, but also that there will be a
revival amongst Christians who are pursuing careers in the workplace; that we
all will not forsake our call to proclaim the name of Christ to a dead and
dying world.