Friday, January 18, 2013

My Top Ten Books of 2012

I just wanted to share briefly what books have challenged, encouraged me and taught me the most this past year. I'd encourage you to pick up any one of these books and be encouraged in your walk with him. I've included a paragraph after each title to share a little about what the book is about and why I loved it. Also included is a link to Amazon where you can purchase the book. I pray that you would be encouraged by these books for they have certainly challenged me immensely in my walk this past year!

1. Gospel Wakefulness - Jared Wilson
I think the reason this book hit home with me so much is that I saw myself throughout the pages. There were countless testimonies that pointed to Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in people's lives. Jared Wilson talks a lot about how we are often not awake to the true depth of the gospel. A lot of times it takes someone hitting rock bottom in a sin or in a trial to fully grasp what Jesus did for you on the cross.  I've given this book out countless times and recommend every believer get a copy of this book and read it!

2. Kisses from Katie - Katie Davis
This was one of those books that I just couldn't put down. Katie's example of faith and willingness to follow Jesus no matter what was the main reason. Katie's selflessness and desire to help the neediest of people will challenge, convict and change the way you live life. Buy it, read it and emulate her example where you live!

3. Gospel Centered Discipleship - Jonathon Dodson
I've read this book twice in the last 12 months. The first chapter opens up with talking about how we often as believers we separate evangelism and discipleship. Jonathon does a great job explaining how believers should not only be looking to be discipled but also be seeking to discipling others, but as we do this we must always have the gospel central. Definitely worth your time to read.

4. Reckless Abandon - David Sitton
This book is another story of a missionary who worked in the unreached people groups of Papa New Guinea. David Sitton writes about his time there and how God moved and saved many people through the work of a few missionaries who obeyed Jesus words to "go and make disciples of all nations." If you like a book that will challenge you to reconsider the way you are living your life currently, this is a book that will do it!

5. One to One Bible Reading - David Helm
This is a short book that I read in two sittings. But it really helped me think through how to sit down one on one with another individual and study God's Word. It talks about sitting down with a non-believer, newer believer and a person who has been saved for a long time. This book has helped me immensely in the ministry that I've been doing in the public high schools!

6. When Helping Hurts - Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett
Two professors at Covenant College came together to write about how churches and believers often have good intent in helping the poor and those in need. But in reality, we are doing more harm then we are doing good. They do an excellent job in bringing clarity in what truly is helping those in need and what the best way to come alongside them is!

7. Jumping Through Fires - David Nasser
I read this book in one night. David is now a pastor in Birmingham, Alabama but in this book he shares the story of his life. He shares how his family had to flee from Iran and how they finally came to live in America.  It's a powerful story of how God changed and saved the hearts of an entire devoted Iranian Islamic family.

8. Radical - David Platt
This is one of my favorite books of all time and a yearly read for me. I had the privilege of leading a group of teens through this in a 4-week book study. Not only did I see God use it to challenge the high school students who were reading it, I was freshly challenged again as I read through the pages for a 5th time. One review says that Platt shows, "God is in it for God’s glory, and we are given God’s grace so that we can multiply his image throughout the rest of the world. We are here to extend God’s glory, not simply enjoy the material rewards of grace and blessing."

9. The Cross and Christian Ministry - D.A. Carson
A book that was written a while ago. This was the first book I read in 2012 and was freshly provoked by the way Carson takes the first 4 chapters of 1 Corinthians and shares 9 key leadership lessons for ministry. While its directed towards leaders, Carson writes with every believer in mind. He reminds us that the cross of Christ must stay central in preaching and in Christianity as it is the transforming power from spiritual death to life, and Christian immaturity to maturity.

10. (2013) The Insanity of God - Nik Ripken
As I battled what to put for my tenth and final book, I couldn't get this book off my mind. Although it did come out this month in the year 2013, I decided to cheat a little and put it on this list. This book contains countless stories of persecuted Christians around the world. Nik Ripken (not his real name) worked in Somaliland for 6 years before having to pull out because of the war. As the back of the book says, "The ashes of Somalia led the Ripkens to travel around the world to listen to the stories of more than six hundred believers in over sixty countries." The stories in this book at times moved me to tears, but most of the time to praising God for his power amidst persecution. Buy this book, read this book, be challenged by this book and let God transform your heart to follow Him like these persecuted Christians.

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